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Using Cedar In Your Home? Helpful Ideas To Consider

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Closets and chests made from the wood of the cedar tree were once one of the most common ways for families to store out-of-season clothing and heirloom garments that they wanted to protect from damage. Particularly effective in repelling moths, using cedar for clothes storage eliminates the need to use harsh, foul-smelling insecticides that can stain clothing with chemical residue. While the cedar chest and cedar-lined closet are not as commonly found in today’s homes, the use of cedar wood continues to grow.…

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3 Creative Uses for Your Livestock Panels

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Whether you’re an experienced farmer or just adding a few animals to your property, livestock panels are a must-have piece of equipment. Livestock panels are a versatile, lightweight, affordable way to erect fences around your property.  However, you can also them for purposes other than fencing. When you’re through using the panels for a specific purpose, just dismantle and reuse them. Here are just a few ways you can use your livestock panels.…

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Three Tips ro Keep Your Lawn Looking Great

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When people think of their ideal home, they may picture different things, but the beauty of a lush, spacious lawn is something that everyone can agree on. Here are three tips to help you keep your lawn looking great. 1. Fertilize as necessary. Lawns are a great low-maintenance choice to beautify your property, but they still require some upkeep. Ideally, you should fertilize your lawn three times per year, during your grass’ active growth season.…

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