Becoming a Farmer

Resolving Multiple Big Farm Issues: How Farmers Manage To Complete So Much Work Faster

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If you have ever visited a “mega-farm,” you probably had more questions coming out of the barns than going into them. For example, when a farmer has five hundred or more head of cattle or five thousand chickens, how on earth does he or she feed all of those animals? More importantly, how does the farmer feed all of those animals quickly? Feeding them one by one would take almost all day, maybe longer, and then the farmer would have to repeat the process.…

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Using Cedar In Your Home? Helpful Ideas To Consider

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Closets and chests made from the wood of the cedar tree were once one of the most common ways for families to store out-of-season clothing and heirloom garments that they wanted to protect from damage. Particularly effective in repelling moths, using cedar for clothes storage eliminates the need to use harsh, foul-smelling insecticides that can stain clothing with chemical residue. While the cedar chest and cedar-lined closet are not as commonly found in today’s homes, the use of cedar wood continues to grow.…

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3 Creative Uses for Your Livestock Panels

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Whether you’re an experienced farmer or just adding a few animals to your property, livestock panels are a must-have piece of equipment. Livestock panels are a versatile, lightweight, affordable way to erect fences around your property.  However, you can also them for purposes other than fencing. When you’re through using the panels for a specific purpose, just dismantle and reuse them. Here are just a few ways you can use your livestock panels.…

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