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What To Consider When Buying Used Farming Equipment

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When sourcing equipment for your farm, you’ll need generalized equipment such as a tractor as well as specialized equipment such as the attachments you’ll need for different crops. Some of these types of equipment may be available used. Here are some of the factors that can affect which equipment you can and should buy used. 1. Lifespan  Equipment that has an extremely long life expectancy is typically a good option to buy used.…

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3 Reasons To Consider Prefinished Cedar Siding For Your Home

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When it comes to taking care of your home, your siding is one of the first lines of defense. The siding on your home is what protects your home’s frame and installation from damage. When it comes time to change the siding on your home, you should consider pre-stained cedar siding for your home. #1: Cedar Siding Lasts a Long Time When it comes to choosing a siding material for your home, you want to choose a siding material that is going to last for a long time.…

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Ways To Save Money With Used Equipment For Your Farm

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Small farms that are just starting or trying to grow in size often have smaller budgets than the bigger farms that they compete with. Finding ways to save money and still produce crops is essential, and sometimes buying or leasing used farming equipment can help. Below are some factors to consider when looking for used farm equipment.  Dealer Trade-Ins One option when you are looking for used farm equipment is to consider trade-in equipment from your local farm machinery dealer.…

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Helpful Tips For Changing The Oil On Your Tractor

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Just as it is important to change the oil on your car, it’s also important to change the oil on your tractor. Some people take their tractor in for service so that they can have this done, but this isn’t really necessary. If you’re willing to put in the time yourself and if you don’t mind getting your hands dirty, you can learn how to change the oil on your tractor yourself.…

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Why You Should Buy Your Tractor From A Tractor Dealership

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If you are thinking about buying a tractor for use on your own homestead or horse property, or if you are hoping to purchase a tractor for a farm or for any other purpose, you could be wondering where you should purchase your tractor from. You could look for a tractor in your local classifieds, or you could buy one from an auction. Instead, though, you may want to check out a tractor dealership.…

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Your Wheatgrass Ingredient Supplier: Why Having A Good Relationship Matters

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You need to form a great relationship with your wheatgrass and wheatgrass ingredient supplier. There are many ways this company or individual is valuable to your agricultural business to help you be more successful and produce healthy crops for your end consumer to use. Since you cannot afford to have a lackluster ingredient supply and you rely on bulk deliveries to keep your company going strong, it’s important that you do what you can to keep your relationship with your wheatgrass ingredient supplier healthy and stronger than ever.…

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3 Features To Look For In A Good ESP Spool Trailer For Your Agricultural Operation

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Whether you are stringing up new wired fencing for an electric fence setup or running lines that will eventually be used to carry water to your crop fields, having your own ESP spool trailer can be a huge advantage. While you may not have the room in your business budget to purchase one of these units brand new, you can oftentimes find a unit for sale online that is used and a lot more affordable.…

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Buying Your First Tractor? 3 Tips To Ensure You Purchase The Right One

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If you have a new farm, there are many things you must purchase to get started. One of these things is a tractor. Because the tractor is important for running your farm properly, below are three tips on purchasing the tractor to ensure you get the right one. Transmission First, decide what type of transmission you want on your tractor. You will find that most use the clutch-and-gear type of transmission.…

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Resolving Multiple Big Farm Issues: How Farmers Manage To Complete So Much Work Faster

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If you have ever visited a “mega-farm,” you probably had more questions coming out of the barns than going into them. For example, when a farmer has five hundred or more head of cattle or five thousand chickens, how on earth does he or she feed all of those animals? More importantly, how does the farmer feed all of those animals quickly? Feeding them one by one would take almost all day, maybe longer, and then the farmer would have to repeat the process.…

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Using Cedar In Your Home? Helpful Ideas To Consider

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Closets and chests made from the wood of the cedar tree were once one of the most common ways for families to store out-of-season clothing and heirloom garments that they wanted to protect from damage. Particularly effective in repelling moths, using cedar for clothes storage eliminates the need to use harsh, foul-smelling insecticides that can stain clothing with chemical residue. While the cedar chest and cedar-lined closet are not as commonly found in today’s homes, the use of cedar wood continues to grow.…

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